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Informale e nuove strutture / New Structures and the Informal

Lotus 104 (2000)

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27.00 euro



Georges Abou-Jaoudé
Impronta e simulazione
Impression and Simulation

Thomas Demand
Zeichensaal, Büro

Gerhard Schmitt
Studi per un’università virtuale
Studies for a Virtual University

Informale e nuove strutture
New Structures and the Informal

Brian Hatton
I. T. in Arkadia Nouveau

[Peter Eisenman]

Luis Fernández-Galiano
Terremoto e terapia
Earthquake and Therapy

[Zaha Hadid]

[Enric Miralles]

Bruno Zevi
Dopo 5000 anni: la rivoluzione
After 5000 Years: The Revolution

[Frank O.Gehry]

[Daniel Libeskind]

Franco Purini
Novità attese da qualche tempo
News Awaited for Some Time

[Franco Purini-Sol Lewitt]

Yehuda Safran
Guida ai perplessi
Guide for the Perplexed

Peter Eisenman vs Richard Serra

Charles Jencks
Il nuovo paradigma dell’architettura non lineare;
The New Paradigm: Non Linear Architecture

[Tony Cragg-Frank O.Gehry]

[Jannis Kounellis-Herzog & De Meuron]

Marco De Michelis
Balance Sheets

Banham e la fantascienza
Banham and Science Fiction

Jonathan E. Farnham
Vero pop per gente d’oggi. Reyner Banham, storia e fantascienza
Pure Pop for New People. Reyner Banham, Science Fiction and History