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Above Ruins

Lotus 144 (2010)

Collapsed buildings, ruins, archeology and the effects of time on architecture are the subject of various reflections. We have restoration, rehabilitation and the cult of ruins, but there is also the discovery that time can produce some of those third landscapes due to an unexpected victory of nature.

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Giovanni Chiaramonte
Natur-Park Südgelände, Berlin-Schöneberg


Richard Pare
URSS, 1922-1932. L‘Avanguardia perduta/The Lost Vanguard


Michele Nastasi
L‘Aquila, 2010. Framework Town

Nina Bassoli
2010, L‘Aquila un anno dopo il terremoto
2010, L’Aquila One Year After the Earthquake
RuattiStudio Architetti
Progetto C.A.S.E.
Corvino + Multari
Progetto C.A.S.E.
Antonio Citterio and Partners
Chiesa di San Bernardino e mensa Celestiniana
Beyond Architecture Group
Eco Villaggio Autocostruito
Giulia Carnevale/Andrea Tomaselli
Scuola materna di Onna
Shigeru Ban Architects
L‘Aquila Concert Hall
Lamberto Rossi Associati
Casa dello Studente San Carlo Borromeo
Mario Cucinella Architects
Nuovo Teatro Stabile de L’Aquila
Auditorium del Castello
Pietro Valle
Uno sguardo retrospettivo/An Overview
Giovanni Chiaramonte
Neues Museum, Berlin, 1859-1943/45-2009.
David Chipperfield‘s Restoration
Fulvio Irace
Il restauro del Neues Museum di David Chipperfield
The Neues Museum Restoration by David Chipperfield
David Chipperfield Architects
Neues Museum, Museum Island, Berlin, 1997-2009
Paolo Rosselli
Ca‘ Granda. Università Statale Milano.
Liliana Grassi‘s Restoration 1946-1985
Francesco Repishti
Liliana Grassi e la Ca‘ Granda
Liliana Grassi and the Ca‘ Granda
Gabriele Neri
L'Antico e il Moderno: texture alla Ca‘ Granda
Antique and Modern: Texture at the Ca‘ Granda
Liliana Grassi
Università Statale di Milano.
Restauro e progetto/Restoration and Project