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Housing in the Expanded Field

Lotus 163 (2017)

Some countries, after experimenting for several decades with housing programs based on the criteria of the Athens Charter and the philosophy of “large numbers,” have developed a new vision of planning that tries to go beyond the functionalist perspective of those models and look at housing in the broader context of the city or the community. The formulation of French proposals inspired by the city of streets and blocks instead of the huge buildings of the grands ensembles; the recourse to the modulations of traditional Japanese urban planning in a sprawling city that has put aside the infrastructural fantasies of the last century; the recent comprehension of the popular taste for self-building in Latin America: these make up a frame of references that brings authentic new perspectives into the panorama of contemporary architecture.

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Social Housing Failures
Team 10 Exit of British Members
Robin Hood Gardens, Replacement Housing
The Failure of Southgate Estate, Runcorn
Paris, Montparnasse, 1993
La Caravelle Grand Ensemble
Aircraft. La veduta dall’alto / The View from Above
Fotografia di strada / Street Photography
Doisneau, DATAR, 1984
Implosioni a La Courneuve / Implosions at La Courneuve
Barre Debussy, 1986; Ravel, Presov, 2004; Balzac, 2005
La reconversion de la Tour Bois-le-Prêtre, Paris, 2011
Hamonic + Masson & Associés, Bâtiment White, Lyon II, ZAC Confluence, Lyon, 2010-14
OMA, PXP, The Shared City, Paris, 2015-16
Babled Nouvet Reynaud Architectes, Rue des Orteaux, Paris, 2013
LAN + TOA, Îlot Saint-Urbain, Strasbourg, 2015-
Avenier Cornejo + Gausa Raveau, ZAC Clichy-Batignolles, Lot E8, Paris, 2011-16 
Pierluigi Nicolin
Dopo i Grands Ensembles / After the Grands Ensembles
Riscos Brasileiros, Corbu, Rio
La visione celestiale / The Celestial Vision. Building Brasilia     
Oscar Niemeyer, Edifício Copan, 1952-66      
Alla Torre David / At the Torre David, Caracas, 2007-14
John Turner, Slum of Hope
Barriadas, Lima
PREVI, Lima, 1968-73
Elemental, 2003
Metro Cable, Caracas, 2007-10
El Equipo de Mazzanti, Marinilla Educational Park, Marinilla, Colombia, 2016       
Herzog & de Meuron, Arena do Morro, Mãe Luiza, Natal, Brazil, 2014
PICO & AGA, Parlamento abierto, Los Frailes de Catia, Caracas, 2015
Pablo Dellatorre, Corazón de manzana, Córdoba, Argentina, 2010
LAB.PRO.FAB., Multiprogram Ship, Caracas, 2015
Jorge Mario Jáuregui, Teleférico, Morro do Alemão, Rio de Janeiro, 2009-11
Gaia Piccarolo
Le due città / Two Cities
Maite García Sanchis
Slums of Hope
Hidden Urbanism
Tokyo on the Sea, 1960
Metabolists in the Sky
La visione di Yasujiro Ozu / The Gaze of Yasujiro Ozu
La casa opera d’arte / The House Work of Art
Home for All
Engawa, Doma
Office of Ryue Nishizawa, Moriyama House, Tokyo, 2005
Jun Igarashi Architects, Rectangle of Light, Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan, 2006-07
Shingo Masuda + Katsuhisa Otsubo Architects, Threshold of a House, Street, Garden & Neighbor, Tokyo, 2009
Sou Fujimoto Architects, House NA, Tokyo, 2007-11
Hiroyuki Ito Architects, Tatsumi Apartment House, Tokyo, 2016
Jo Nagasaka, Schemata Architects, Okomeya Rice Shop, Togoshi, Shinagawa-Tokyo, 2012-14
Nina Bassoli
L’urbanistica nascosta / The Hidden Urbanism